- 2020-05-28
- News
As a part of the celebration of the International Day for the Protection of the Rights of the Children, Ochir Undraa OMZ NBFI successfully organized a drawing competition for the children of Ochir Undraa Group employees entitled “My Parent’s Work-Through My Eyes”. A total of 20 works in 3 age categories competed in the competition and Kh.Munkhjin, son of Z.Bilegjargal, MERA LLC’s labor safety specialist, in the 4-6 age group, O.Jargalmaa, daughter of D.Oyunbileg, accountant of Ochir Undraa LLC in the 7-9 age group, and Practical Insurance LLC in the 10-12 age group Accountant O. Zolzaya’s daughter N.Tsatsral won the first place.
We wish all the children who actively participated in the competition and submitted their artwork, success in their future success.
We would like to wish all the parents who are the leaders in their careers and the pride of their beloved children, happiness, and well-being.